Monday, October 30, 2006

20cm Snow

As I was walking home in the snow, I can see the reflection of the snow from the light of the lamps along the street. It was so nice to walk in the white, cold snow. It was so beautiful. I really want to roll my body along the side walk. It must be fun, but I think the people will think that I am crazy. I sometime stick my tongue out to taste the snow. I wish I have syrup with me, then I pour out on the snow ans eat as Teuk Kork Choose...hahaha. I remember once I was in the Elementary School, we talked about snow. We asked the teacher so many questions. We asked, "Do people eat snow? Then we will take the Syrup and pour it in the snow and eat." But he answered, "No!" He was wrong, in fact he did not know about snow either. People can eat snow, but not the yellow snow.

1 comment:

Daden Rath said...

Hey Bora, what a funny story talking about the snow!!! Yes, your're right as in our country-Cambodia I used to have Tek Kork Choose too. It was sooo good! Isn't it? Yes, from now on till March I guess, we can put our tonge out and we can test the snow that are falling down from the sky...