Friday, December 29, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas is a very big holiday. Family gathering, carol singing everywhere. Churhces and Schools have alot of celebration. Light everyhere. Christmas is a very joyful season.
Posted by Bora at 10:37:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 27, 2006
Shepherd of My Soul
Shepherd of my soul,
I give you full control,
Wherever you may lead,
I will follow...
I have made a choice,
To listen to your voice,
Wherever you may lead,
I will go..
This is part of the song I like. It is written from Psalms 23.
Posted by Bora at 10:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Shepherd
Friday, November 17, 2006
Don't know..
Sitting in front of computer, reading my own blog, and trying to think of things to write about, but I just can't. Writing is not an easy stuff. Hmmm... I still could not think of things to write about. OK, well, let's start by asking question....
A: "What do you want to write into your blog?"
B: "Well, I don't know."
A: "Hmmm, what question should be asked next?"
B: "I don't know."
A: "Why don't you think before you answer, "I don't know!"?"
B: "Because, I don't know!"
A: "Hmmm, I don't know either...."
Posted by Bora at 11:33:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Question...
Friday, November 03, 2006
The Grand Duke
Steinbach Arts Council (SAC) oversees 60 programs in dance, theatre, music, language and visual arts. SAC is recognized as on of the finest Arts Councils and Cultural Arts Centres in western Canada, recently the winner of the Above & Beyond Award! So tonight they held the operata called The Grand Duke or The Statutory Duel which is presented in part by Herbsigwil Farm. The story begins....
Act I: The curtain rises on the market square of Speisesaal where Ernest Dummkopf's acting troupe is rehearsing for a production of the Greek tragedy Troilus and Cressida. Beneath the theatrical veneer, a conspiracy is afoot among the thespians to overthrow Rudolph, the Grand Duke. Ludwig, the Company comedian, who is engaged to Lisa, the Company soubrette, admonishes everyone that it is forbidden to allude to the conspiracy without first exchanging the secret sign.
Ludwig, meanwhile, inadvertently betrays the conspiracy. A plan is concieved whereby Ludwig and Ernest will fight a statutory duel and the winner will denouce the loser to the Grand Duke. They draw cards and as Ludwig wins, he goes off to tell the Grand Duke of the conspiracy.
Anware of the intrigue surrounding him, Grand Duke Rudolph prepares for his wedding to the Baroness von Krakenfeldt. The Baroness reveals that Rudolph was bethrothed in fancy to the Pricess of Monte Carlo, which poses a problem for both couples. In the meantime, Ludwig approaches the Grank Duke in order too reveal the plot and finds him greatly agitated. Ludwig hatches a plan by which a statutory duel will be rigged and Rudolph will lose. Ludwig becomes the new Grank Duke. However, Julia, the prominent "English" actress of the troupe, points out that according to her contract she is repuired to play the part of the Grand Duchess. Lisa is disconsolate, but she show must go on and Ludwig is carried around the stage triumphantly.
Act II: As the curtain rises on Act II, Ludwig gloriously presents his plan to manage the Grand Duchy. The Baroness arrives, announcing that Ludwig is required to assume all of the late Duke's responsibilities, including the Baroness herslf, and everyone goes off to celebrate the wedding of Ludwig and the Baroness.
Meanwhile, the Prince and Princess of Monte Carlo arrive on the scene. The princess, finding that Ludwig has taken over all of the extinct Grank Duke's responsibilities, happil asserts a prior claim to marriage over the other Grand Duchesses. The company prepares for yet another wedding! At this moment Rudolph and Ernest appear, denouncing Ludwig as an imposer. A legal eversight is revealed and all is happile resolved... Happy Ending
And here are the songs...
Act I: Public Square of Speisesall - 1850
1. "Won't it be a pretty wedding?"
2. "By the mystic regulation"
3. "Were I a king in very truth"
4. " How would I play this part?"
5. "My goodness me! What shall I do?"
6. "About a century since"
7. "Strange the views some people hold"
8. "Now take a card, and gaily sing"
9. "The good Grand Duke..."
10. "As o'er our penny roll we sing"
11. "When you find you're a broken-down critter"
12. Finale- "Come hither all you people"
Act II: The Grand Ducal Palace
13. "As before you we defile"
14. "At the outset I may mention"
15. "Take care of him"
16. "Now Julia, come, consider it from this dainty point of view"
17. "Your Highness, there's a party at the door"
18. "So ends my dream"
19. "If the light of love's lingering ember"
20. "Come, bumpers - aye, ever so many"
21. "Why, who is this approaching?"
22. "The Prince of Monte Carlo"
23. "His Highness we know not"
24. "We're rigged out in manificent array"
25. "Well you're a pretty kind of fellow"
26. Fanale - "Happy couples, lightly treading"
It was so nice to be in the cultural things.... Have fun
Posted by Bora at 10:41:00 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Halloween is big here. Kids love Halloween because they can get candy anywhere. They can go from door to door, people will give them candy, even sometime people don't like Halloween. When I ask what is Halloween, I get two answers.
1. People believe that on the Halloween's day, the hell's door will be opened to let the evils out. People dress up in scary becuase they want to scare all those evil away...... But let's stop and think... when people talk about evil spirit, the pictures or images they have in their head would be scary or bloody or what ever that is not like normal people. So how come people dress up in a scary image to scare the scary creatures? What I think is like that, when I evil spirits come out, they will be everywhere. People dress up scary because they want the evil spirit confuse that they are in the same family then the evil spirit will not do anything harm to them. What do you think..... OK let's continue. When the kids come to knock on the door, surely they will get candy- trick er treat, because if they don't give them candy, the spirit will curse the house or the family... I have no comment about this.
2. People celebrate Halloween because the children love candy and Halloween is the only day that they will get candy anywhere they go.
After hearing what people told me about why is Halloween, it reminded me of Pchum Ben which Cambodia celebrate in the month of October. People believe that the Pret will be allowed to come out of hell for many days. People will bring food to the Wat- Buddhist Temple and the Monks will bless the food. Prets will search seven Wat, if they could not find any food because their descendants don't offer them, they will live in hunger for the rest of the year and they will curse their descendants for doing such thing......
Posted by Bora at 8:13:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Event
Monday, October 30, 2006
20cm Snow
As I was walking home in the snow, I can see the reflection of the snow from the light of the lamps along the street. It was so nice to walk in the white, cold snow. It was so beautiful. I really want to roll my body along the side walk. It must be fun, but I think the people will think that I am crazy. I sometime stick my tongue out to taste the snow. I wish I have syrup with me, then I pour out on the snow ans eat as Teuk Kork Choose...hahaha. I remember once I was in the Elementary School, we talked about snow. We asked the teacher so many questions. We asked, "Do people eat snow? Then we will take the Syrup and pour it in the snow and eat." But he answered, "No!" He was wrong, in fact he did not know about snow either. People can eat snow, but not the yellow snow.
Posted by Bora at 9:12:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Snow
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Canada Festival with Franklin Graham
I am blessed to be in Canada and able to be at the big festival in Canada that will not happen in every year. Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham came to Winnipeg for the weekend sharing. He also brought many famous Chriatian Music bands, Rebecca St. James, Tree63, News Boy, Casting Crown, and Micheal W Smith. Here are the pictures I tried to take from the big screen...
Posted by Bora at 8:25:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Weekend
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Sharing my testimony at church...
It was a great privilege to be asked to share about my life at the church this morning. I have always remembered about Paul, wherever he went, he shared about his life. Part of the Christian's life, I think we ought to be prepared and be ready to share about our life whenever we are asked to. I was so nervous, but I remember once Jesus said to His disciples, "Do not worry what you have to say..."
I am blessed to be here, to be with these people, and to be with this church, even though it is very different from the church where I grow up with.....
Posted by Bora at 8:56:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Sharing
Canadian Wedding...
I am blessed to be able to participate in the wedding ceremony here in Canada. It was so nice to experience the wedding in different culture. I think I like the wedding out here. It is short and we can do anything we want to. Here are the pictures of the couple- Wes & Mary.
Posted by Bora at 8:08:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Wedding
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Steinbach Mennonite Church
This is the church where I attend mostly. My host parents are attending that church. It is a big church but because of the city is so small and there are 29 churches out there, there are not so many people in that church. Sometime I feel like they are wasting money building big building, however it is the way they build the church out here.
Posted by Bora at 9:43:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
First Day of Snow....
Posted by Bora at 7:18:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Snow
Monday, October 09, 2006
My Thanksgiving....
I want to thanks God for Family I have in Canada. It is a great blessing for me to be part of their family, eat at the same table, and share the same stories....... but sleep in different room. I am so curious about the weather and stuff but I know that God has a great plan for my life. I am touched by the testimony that Ming Thoung Sokunthea had, "Even God would heal me from my sickness or letting me die because of this sickness, I will still have faith in Him." I should do the same. Even I am frozen by the weather... I will go on having faith in Jesus. So I am so thankful to Him for what he has done in my life.
I also thankful to Him for my family at home too. I am bless to have my parents, my grandparents, my siblings, all of my relative, and all friends I have in Cambodia and other parts around the world.
I am thankful for His Precious Son that he have given to me. It just indescribable for what I should thankful to God. Giving thanks to God, don't have to wait until these vary days... Just thanks Him at the beginning of your day, the middle of your day and the end of your day. Live your life thankful to Him.. Amen
Posted by Bora at 9:23:00 PM 0 comments
History of Canadian Thankgiving....
The history of Thanksgiving in Canada goes back to an English explorer, Martin Frobisher, who had been trying to find a northern passage to the Orient. He did not succeed but he did establish a settlement in Northern America. In the year 1578, he held a formal ceremony, in what is now called Newfoundland, to give thanks for surviving the long journey. This is considered the first Canadian Thanksgiving. Other settlers arrived and continued these ceremonies. He was later knighted and had an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in northern Canada named after him - Frobisher Bay.
At the same time, French settlers, having crossed the ocean and arrived in Canada with explorer Samuel de Champlain, also held huge feasts of thanks. They even formed 'The Order of Good Cheer' and gladly shared their food with their Indian neighbours.After the Seven Year's War ended in 1763, the citizens of Halifax held a special day of Thanksgiving.During the American Revolution, Americans who remained loyal to England moved to Canada where they brought the customs and practices of the American Thanksgiving to Canada. There are many similarities between the two Thanksgivings such as the cornucopia and the pumpkin pie.Eventually in 1879, Parliament declared November 6th a day of Thanksgiving and a national holiday. Over the years many dates were used for Thanksgiving, the most popular was the 3rd Monday in October. After World War I, both Armistice Day and Thanksgiving were celebrated on the Monday of the week in which November 11th occurred. Ten years later, in 1931, the two days became separate holidays and Armistice Day was renamed Remembrance Day.Finally, on January 31st, 1957, Parliament proclaimed..."A Day of General Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed ... to be observed on the 2nd Monday in October.
The history from
Posted by Bora at 9:18:00 PM 1 comments
History of American Thanksgiving....
The celebration of Thanksgiving in America was probably derived from the harvest-home ceremonies originally held in England. These were days reserved to thank God for plentiful crops and a bountiful harvest. Accordingly, this holiday still takes place late in the Fall Season, after crops have been gathered. Most recently, Thanksgiving Day in the United States is usually a family affair, complete with sumptuous dinners and happy reunions; however, it is also traditionally a time for serious religious contemplation, church services and prayer.
The first observance of Thanksgiving in America was entirely religious in nature and involved no form of feasting. On December 4, 1619, a group of 38 English settlers arrived at Berkeley Plantation on the James River...a location now known as Charles City, Virginia. The charter of the group required that the day of arrival be observed as a Day of Thanksgiving to God.
The first Thanksgiving in the New England area was celebrated in 1621, a little less than a year after the Plymouth colonists had settled in America. Popularly known as the Pilgrims, they had set sail from Plymouth, England on a ship called the Mayflower on September 6, 1620. They were fortune hunters, bound for the resourceful 'New World'. The Mayflower was a small ship crowded with men, women and children, besides the sailors on board. Aboard were passengers comprising the 'separatists', who called themselves the "Saints", and others, whom the separatists called the "Strangers".
After land was sighted in November following 66 days of a lethal voyage, a meeting was held and an agreement of truce was worked out between the Saints and Strangers. It was called the Mayflower Compact. The agreement guaranteed equality among the members of the two groups. They merged together to be recognized as the "Pilgrims." They elected John Carver as their first governor.
Contrary to popular belief, however, Plymouth Rock was not the site of the original colony. When the Pilgrims landed there on December 11, 1620 in search of fresh provisions, they were greeted with hostility by the natives in the immediate vicinity and put back out to sea almost at once. A little further south, they came across Cape Cod, a much more favorable anchorage than Plymouth had proved to be and a native population which was more cordial in nature. Weary from their voyage and in no mood to hunt down the site mandated by their charter (which was considerably further down the coast and somewhere within the limits of the original grant of the Virginia Company of Plymouth), the Pilgrims decided to establish their colony within this friendly territory.
That initial harsh Massachusetts winter killed approximately one-half of the original 102 colonists. In the following Spring of 1621, the Indians, led by two braves named Samoset (of the Wampanoag Tribe) and Squanto (of the Patuxtet Tribe), taught the survivors how to plant corn (called "maize" by the natives) and how to catch alewives (a variety of the herring family) in order that the fish might be used as a fertilizer to growing pumpkins, beans and other crops. Samsoset and Squanto also instructed the Pilgrims in the arts of hunting and angling. By that Summer, despite poor crops of peas, wheat and barley, a good corn yield was expected and the pumpkin crop was bountiful. In early Autumn, to recognize the help afforded the colonists by the Indians and to give thanks for having survivied, Governor William Bradford arranged for a harvest festival. Four men were sent "fowling" after ducks and geese. Turkey may or may not have been a part of the forthcoming meal since the term "turkey" was used by the Pilgrims to mean any type of wild fowl.
The festival lasted three days. Massasoit, local sachem or chief of the Wampanoag, together with 90 Indians from the various Eastern Woodlands Tribes, participated in the ceremony. There can be little doubt that the majority of the feast was most likely furnished by the indigenous population. It is certain that they provided venison. The remainder of the meal, eaten outdoors around large tables, also probably included fish, berries, boiled pumpkin, watercress, leeks, lobster, dried fruit, clams, wild plums and cornbread. The celebration of this first New England Thanksgiving is believed to have taken place sometime between September 21 and November 9.
The event, however, was a one-time celebration. It was not repeated the following year, nor was it intended to be an annual festival. It was not until 55 years later than another Thanksgiving Day was officially proclaimed, when the Governing Council of Charlestown, Massachusetts convened on June 20, 1676 to weigh how to best express thanks for the good fortune that had secured the establishment of their community. By unanimous vote, Edward Rawson (the Clerk of the Council) was instructed to announce June 29 as a Day of Thanksgiving. Yet again, this proved to be only a one-time event.
Posted by Bora at 9:08:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 06, 2006
Scared of Being in Cambodia....
Curtis, a nice man I meet in Canada. He used to host IVEPers three years ago. He invited me to lunch at the Chinese restaurant in Steinbach. That is very nice of him. While we were eating and talking.. He told me about one of his friend, who has been to Thailand some months ago- in April, I guess. One day he decided to take the moto-taxi to Cambodia. After s short trip in Cambodia, he faced a crowd with plastic bag full of water. They were throwing those bag on him. He got really frighten.... He told the moto-taxi driver to turn back to Thailand.. That is so funny and it is so sad for him too. Because Cambodian people welcomed him with plastic bag full of water. I bet he must have been to Cambodia during Khmer New Year, when they throw water on each other. Well, it is just the story of Culture Shock....
Posted by Bora at 8:44:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Point to Ponder.....
A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said, "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."
"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.
"No", she replied, "He's out."
"Then we cannot come in", they replied.
In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.
"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!", her husband said.
The woman went out and invited the men in.
"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"Why is that?" she asked.
One of the old men explained, "His name is Wealth." He said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."
The woman went in and told her husband what was the three men have told her. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!" he said, "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"
His wife disagreed, "My dear, why don't we invite Success?"
Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion, "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"
"Let us take our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife. "Go out and invite Love to be our guest."
The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."
Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success, "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"
The old men replied together, "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"
The greater of these is Love.... 1Cor. 13:13b(NIV)
Posted by Bora at 9:04:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Something to think about
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
My Family and My House in Canada
This is the picture of my house. It is a very nice house for me. It is not too small and not to big either. Just enough for three people. The family who host me has two children-Monica and Mark but both of them have their own family, so I am their new son now. Monica married Dale with three chirldren, Ema, Abby, and Kelim (hope I spell his name correctly). They live in Stienbach too. Mark married Tam. They are in Winnipeg. They have not got any kid yet. They are very nice people. It is a big blessing for me to be able to connect with them.
Posted by Bora at 7:11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 01, 2006
My First Blog
I have several blogs, but I never write them. I have just talk to Rachel- my American friend gave me an idea of writing my adventures in Canada. I came from a hot and beautiful country- Cambodia. So coming to Canada is a very big adventure for me because it is extremely cold....cold....
I don't have images installed yet but I will get some more later. The one I have now is the map of my house in Canada whish I got it from google map. It is a very nice house and I love it. I live with a Mennonite family. They are so kind and generous. They love peace and love people from other countries. I am bless to stay with them. They are Eric and Mary Remple.
Posted by Bora at 5:38:00 PM 1 comments