Monday, October 23, 2017

The Body

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. - 1 Corinthians 12:12 ខ្ញុំនៅចាំរឿងមួយដែលខ្ញុំបានអានក្នុងសៀវភៅភាសាខ្មែរ ហើយក៏ជារឿងមួយដែលជីតារបស់ខ្ញុំបាននិទានអោយខ្ញុំស្ដាប់កាលពីខ្ញុំនៅតូចដែរ គឺរឿងពីរូបកាយនោះឯង។ មាន មាត់ ដៃ ជើង និងផ្នែកនៃរាងកាយផ្សេងទៀតអួតគ្នាពីតួនាទីរៀងៗខ្លួន ហើយបន្ទោសក្រពះ ដែលមិនធ្វើការហើយចាំតែទទួលចំណីអាហារពីពួកគេ ហើយពួកគេក៏បានព្រមព្រៀងគ្នាឈប់ធ្វើការងាររបស់ពួកគេរៀងៗខ្លួន។ ប៉ុន្តែជាចុងក្រោយពួកគេបានរៀនមេរៀនមួយដ៏សំខាន់ គឺគ្រប់ផ្នែកនៃរាងកាយមានតួនាទីពិសេសរៀងៗខ្លួន ហើយសំខាន់ចំពោះរូបកាយ បើផ្នែកណាមួយមិនធ្វើការ វានឹងធ្វើអោយប៉ះពាល់ដល់រូបកាយទាំងមូលបាន បើផ្នែកណាមួយឈឺ នោះរូបកាយទាំងមូលនឹងឈឺដែរ...... ដូចគ្នាដែរ យើងគ្រប់គ្នាដែលជាអ្នកជឿដល់ព្រះយេស៊ូវ គឺជាផ្នែកមួយនៃរាងកាយរបស់ព្រះគ្រីស្ទ គឺជាផ្នែកមួយដ៏សំខាន់នៅក្នុងក្រុមជំនុំ បើយើងគ្រាន់តែចូលរួមក្នុងក្រុមជំនុំ ហើយមិនបានរួមចំណែកអ្វីសោះសម្រាប់ក្រុមជំនុំ នោះយើងនឹងធ្វើអោយមានការប៉ពាល់ដល់ក្រុមជំនុំជាមិនខាន តែបើយើងមិនចង់អោយប៉ពាល់ដល់ក្រុមជំនុំ ដោយផ្ដាច់ខ្លួចចេញ នោះយើងនឹងប្រៀបបីដូចជាមែកឈើរដែលដាច់ចេញពីដើមជាមិនខាន ពីមួយថ្ងៃទៅមួយថ្ងៃ មែកនោះនឹងក្រៀមស្វិតបន្ដិចម្ដងៗ រហូតដល់រលួយក្លាយទៅជាធូលី...... តើបងប្អូនជាផ្នែកអ្វីនៃរាងកាយ? តើអ្វីជាតួនាទីពិសេសរបស់បងប្អូនសម្រាប់រាងកាយ? សូមលើកទឹកចិត្តអោយបងប្អូនដែលបានអានអ្វីដែលខ្ញុំសរសេរនេះអោយចូលរួមចំណែកក្នុងការបម្រើររាងកាយ កុំបណ្ដោយអោយខ្លួនក្លាយទៅជាជម្ងឺរបស់រាងកាយឡើយ... បើប្រសិនបើយើងជាមែកឈើដែលកាត់ចេញ សូមអោយយើងជាមែកឈើដែលកាត់ចេញដោយការផ្សាំ ដើម្បីអោយយើងអាចបង្កើតដើមឈើមួយដើមទៀត។

Saturday, July 14, 2007

He Knows My Name

I have a Maker.
He formed my heart.
Before even time began.
My life was in his hands

He knows my name.
He knows my every thought.
He sees each tear that falls,
and He hears me when I call.

I have a Father.
He calls me His own.
He'll never leave me,
No matter where I go.

He knows my name.
He knows my every thought.
He sees each tear that falls,
and He hears me when I call...

By Tommy Walker
He sets me free,
He gives me life,
He watches me close,
To His own sight.
Through happiness and pain,
Through night and day,
He cares for me always.
His love's always remian.

By Bora-2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

What do I have to give?

Offering by Third Day

Magnificent Holy Father
I stand in awe of all I see
Of all the things You have created
But still You choose to think of me
Who am I that You should suffer
Your very life to set me free
The only thing that I can give You
Is the life You gave to me

This is my offering, dear Lord
This is my offering to You, God
And I will give You my life
For it's all I have to give
Because You gave Your life for me

I stand before You at this alter
So many have given You more
I may not have much I can offer
Yet what I have is truly Yours

This is my offering...

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Well, I went shopping today. It was quite boring to just go by myself. Got back home, walked straight to my room and got Laura's Note and felt like to fill out too. So here we go.....

"Go to your wall and list the last 12 people who have commented. If someone has commented twice, skip to the next person..."

01. Ploy Kamosin
02. Jaun Carlos Azurdia
03. Gisele Silva
04. Rafael Nogaroto
05. Nhlonipho Dlamini
06. Mandy Itthikaiwam
07. Alex Bivin
08. Prak Savoeun
09. Justin Miller
10. Elise Dyck
11. Kendra Shaw
12. Laura Edmondston

Q: Have you ever kissed number 7?
A: Nope

Q: What's the best memory you have of 9?
A: He was in Cambodia, teaching English to Khmer University Student.

Q: When's the next time you're gonna see 4?
A: July 18th

Q: Is number 8 pretty?
A: Uh Pretty!!!, no, handsome...

Q: What was your first impression of number 10?
A: Wow.. great people...

Q: How did you meet 3?
A: IVEP Program in Canada.

Q: Do you think 12 has a crush on you?
A: Nope... I don't really understand the question.

Q: When was the last time you saw 2?
A: Febuary, Saskatoon.

Q: Have you ever been to 1's house?
A: Nope, not a chance...

Q: Would you ever kiss 10?
A: Yep, If she is my wife, because I.... won't kiss anyone until my wedding day.

Q: When's the next time you'll see 11?
A: Possibly June 17, 07

Q: Are you really close to 3?
A: We did spend some together in a group. Yeah...

Q: Have you ever been to the movies with 7?
A: Nope...

Q: Have you ever gotten in trouble with 2?
A: Nope...

Q: What do you and number 8 talk about the most?
A: Hmmm, lots of stuff. Life, I think...

Q: Would you give number 5 a hug?
A: Yes definately...

Q: Would you ever go on a date with number 11?
A: I would...

Q: Are you in love with 12?
A: Hmm... If I am, that would be love at the first sight.

Q: When have you lied to number 6?
A: Nope, never...

Q: Do you know a secret about number 8?
A: Yeah...

Q: Describe the relationship between number 9 and number 5.
A: They don't know each other...

Q: What is the best thing about number 4?
A: His mature...

Q: What is the worst thing about number 1?
A: Nothing as far as I know...

Q: Have you ever danced with number 7?
A: Yeah.. I think... Hmm...not really a dance.. probably jumping together... Have I ever dance with you?

Q: How long have you known number 12?
A: 2005

Q: Have you ever been in a fight with number 8?
A: It is depend on a fight... Not really..

Q: Does number 9 have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
A: He is married.

Q: Have you ever been a co-worker with number 6?
A: Nope, we are actually on the same program..! Exchange program.

Q: Have you ever wanted to punch number 2 in the face?
A: Hmm... I don't know if I can get out if I did. Not even think about it...

Q: Has number 1 ever met your mother?
A: Nope.

Q. How did you meet number 5?
A: We are in the same program.. IVEP

Q: Did you ever accidentally physically hurt number 5?
A: Nope...

Q: Do you live close to 9?
A: By country? Nope....

Q: What is 7's favourite food?
A: Fried chicken.... haha I don't know...

Q: Out of your top 12, which one would you say is the funniest?
A: Nhlonipho, I think....

Q: Who is the most flirtatious?
A: I don't know... What does Flirtatious exactly mean?

Q: If you could change one thing about number 3, what would it be?
A: I would change her heart so that she could consider me... haha Gisele, just kidding.. Nope, she is great, nothing I need to change her...

Q: Say something nice about number 7.
A: She is my great little sister...

Q: Which one lives the farthest away?
A: Savoeun, currently in Cambodia.

Q: Which one do you hang out with the most?
A: Now... All of them are far from me... Through internet, that would be Mandy... From the past, that would be Savoeun.

Q: Who is the loudest?
A: Number Two, I think.. hahha Kidding.. None of them...

Q: What kind of car does number 4 have?
A: He does not have a car now... City Bus I think...

Q: Have you ever travelled with number 9?
A: Nope...

Q: If you gave number 11 $100, what would he/she spend it on?
A: No ideas.... ISM, maybe....

Hmmmm what the questionsss..... I am feeling better now.... It is time for supper...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We are Hungry

We Are Hungry
(Charlie Hall version)
'Verse (x 2)
Lord I want more of You
Living water rain down on me
Lord I need more of You
Living breath of life Come and fill me up

Though the world may mock and scorn
Though the people may not understand
Though the enemy seeks to destroy
Though the people may not understand
Why I will stand And I will stand up

We are hungry, we are hungry
We are hungry For more of You
We are thirsty, oh Jesus
We are thirsty for more of You

Verse (x 2)
Chorus (x 3)
Outro (x 2~)

We lift our holy hands up,
We want to touch You,
We lift our voices higher and higher to You

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Spring is on her way

Words of encouragement from Steinbach Fire Department.

View of Sun set from the Steinbach Main Street.

Well, it kinda makes sence that people are longing for Spring to come. April 24, the weather still goes down to below zero degree C. However Spring is on Her way.